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Wind Spinner


Introducing the Wind Spinner: a captivating, innovative sign frame that brings a mesmerizing twist to your outdoor display! Designed to catch the eye and harness the power of the wind, our Wind Spinner is the perfect addition to your garden, patio, or business front.

  • Graphic size 18" x 30"
  • Ground pegs included
Delivery timeframe:  
4 Ways to Send Us Your Artwork: Good, Better, Best, PRO

Deal with artwork after placing the order. Simply proceed to check out and we can discuss it via phone, chat, or e-mail at a later date. Our designers are happy to help.

Upload your (low res) JPGs and PNGs here. Provide us with comments on how you would like to see this artwork applied to your purchase. Keep in mind that if the provided images are not high enough quality for (im)printing, we may need to contact you about vectorizing your artwork.

Upload your vector artwork here. Preferred file formats include AI, EPS, and PDF (with editability). Provide us with comments on how you would like to see this artwork applied to your purchase.

Download the template file for this product by clicking on the DOWNLOAD ARTWORK TEMPLATE button below. Using graphic design software, place your vector or high res artwork on the template and upload it here.

For large files over 5MB please send them to us via our WeTransfer account and reference your order number.


Introducing the Wind Spinner: a captivating, innovative sign frame that brings a mesmerizing twist to your outdoor display! Designed to catch the eye and harness the power of the wind, our Wind Spinner is the perfect addition to your garden, patio, or business front.

Key Features:

  • Durable Ball Bearing Rotation: The Wind Spinner utilizes high-quality ball bearings to ensure smooth, consistent rotation, even in the gentlest of breezes. Its durable design guarantees a long-lasting spinning experience that will continue to delight for years to come.
  • Electrostatic Powder Coated Black: Featuring an elegant, electrostatic powder-coated black finish, our Wind Spinner is not only visually stunning but also resistant to weathering, scratches, and fading. This premium coating ensures that your Wind Spinner will maintain its beauty and functionality, even in harsh outdoor conditions.
  • Packed Two Per Box: Each Wind Spinner box contains two stunning sign frames, making it an ideal gift for friends, family, or even yourself! Double the spin, double the fun – create mesmerizing displays in multiple locations or gift one to a loved one.
  • Versatile and Easy to Install: The Wind Spinner's versatile design allows for easy installation in various outdoor settings, including gardens, patios, and business entrances. It's a fantastic way to draw attention, create a dynamic atmosphere, and enhance your outdoor space's visual appeal.
  • Graphic size 18" x 30"
  • Ground pegs included


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